Our Vision & Mission


Our vision is to improve the educational outcomes of every foster youth we come in contact with.  Our vision includes having the ability to inspire the next generation of social workers who will advocate for children, families, and communities around the world.



Our mission is to expose rising high school juniors and seniors to the field of social work as a college major and career choice through education, training, mentoring, and community service.



Increase the number of high school juniors and seniors who are aware of social work as a potential college major and career choice.
Increase the number of youth who graduate from high school.
Increase the number of youth who enroll in college.
Increase the number of youth who graduate from college.



Create NSEP high school chapters.
Provide ongoing mentoring high school services and support to youth.
Provide six-week summer program for youth on college campuses.
Provide ongoing college mentoring services and support.